by Jan Neal | Apr 15, 2021 | Archives
Sierra Nevada Teen Ranch has until November 11, 2003, to raise the first $120,000 it will need to purchase an 80-acre ranch in Palomino Valley upon which to build its residential teen program. With a present bank account of about $80,000, an immediate goal of $40,000...
by Jan Neal | Apr 15, 2021 | Archives
Strange title for an article about land in the desert. Well, we’ve titled it Land Ahoy because we finally spotted land after what seems like an eternity out to sea – sometimes drifting, sometimes trying to withstand the storms. This appears to us to be the...
by Jan Neal | Dec 20, 2014 | Archives
Click Here to download the The Ranch Review – Winter 2014...
by Jan Neal | Feb 1, 2013 | Archives
The board of Sierra Nevada Teen Ranch has always had the desire to develop Transition Homes, and those homes have always been a part of our vision and mission. We just assumed that it would come after the Ranch was up and running. However, we are excited to report...
by Jan Neal | Jul 4, 2012 | Archives
Dear Friend, Sierra Nevada Teen Ranch will host a benefit dinner to “ESTABLISH THE VISION” for Hope and a Future. Founded by Marvin and Jan Neal, Sierra Nevada Teen Ranch is a local, non-profit, faith-based organization whose vision is to “Rescue,...
by Jan Neal | Dec 1, 2010 | Archives
What a ride! – how things work and evolve in God’s economy is always a surprise. As we’ve been praying and seeking and praying and seeking…well you get the picture; a wonderful opportunity has come our way – one that we have taken advantage of – it allows us to...